Men and Women Think Differently!
Knowledge Equals Peace

The benefit of men only being able to open one door at a time, is that they stay more focused, having more persistence, and determination in important things, which in turn makes them strong-minded.

They don't become unraveled easily at trivial details.

On the other hand, women, not understanding how men think, can't understand why the hubby forgot to pick up the milk on the way home from work, when you specifically called to remind him.

What has happened is, when you called your hubby at work to pick up a gallon of milk on the way home, he had to leave his Work room, to go into the Hallway to answer the call.

By the time he walked back into the Work room and shut the door, his work took over again, and the call got pushed into a Home file in the corner of his mind. And unless he remembers to check this file in the Hallway after he leaves work, then guess what, he's going to forget the milk.

By realizing that men can only focus on one thing at a time should take care of some aggravation you feel when you can't get him to do something that needs to be done. Suppose he's sitting in front of the television watching football. He's in his Sports room, and you know it's going to rain outside and you would like him to cut the grass before it rains. Guess what, he's not going to get up and go outside and cut the grass until the game is over (when he comes out of his Sports room.)

If he is forced to come out of his Sports room before he's ready, then aggravation and discontent prevail, and you, as a woman, doing the dishes, laundry and cooking all at the same time, can't understand why he's mad.

Now some women might take this to mean that the man is lazy, doesn't care, or is trying to be selfish, but he is not. It's just his normal pattern of how he thinks. So what's a woman to do? You have to be smart!

If you want or need them to do something, you have to find some way of attracting their attention to draw them out of their rooms. Or, you'll have to be patient and wait till they come out of their room on there own. Nagging is not going to do any good.

But wait a minute... Let's Be Fair


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