Men and Women Don't Think Alike
But Let's Be Fair !

But, hey, lets talk about the busy little women, since they have so much going on around them, keeping all their doors open at the same time.

The old saying of A woman's work is never done is still true today.

And all the modern conveniences that we have to make our lives easier has seemed to make it busier.

How is it that women are capable of having so many doors open at once? That's just the way God made them. As men you need to keep this in mind, and acknowledge and appreciate all the little details she keeps from cluttering your life.

Did you notice in the top room of the men's floor plan I called a room Sex, and in the top of the women's floor plan I called it Personal? When men finally come out of their rooms, and want the women's attention, are the women too busy doing something else? Or are they too tired from having to deal with so much during the day?

It's your job as men to help out the women when what they have to do becomes overwelming, otherwise she gets no Personal time. And if she doesn't get any Personal time, when will she spend time with you?

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